Civ 5 messenger of the gods
Civ 5 messenger of the gods

civ 5 messenger of the gods

The fact that Ci V's AI can't deal with combat is solely a problem with the game and it's developers. As well there are many chess-game AI's that can play competently. Humans obviously play better than the AI, but the AI is at least competent.

civ 5 messenger of the gods

I used to play a flash game Tactics 100, basically a chess board combat pseudo-RPG combat game. I think the best plan for the future is a CTP like 9UPT system or failing that a return to no tile-limits, and AI's that can move units in the order they look at them without penalty! For all the complaints about doom stacks, at least you didn't have to move units 1 at a time!ġUPT is a spectacular failure and I hope Civ VI gets away from it. There is no magic "improve the AI 10-fold button", the game breaks because the AI problem for 1UPT is much harder, so the combat AI is much worse!Īttempts to bring production rates closer to Civ IV levels result in bogged down impossible to move armies. I've explained repeatedly how 1UPT makes the combat engine much more difficult.

Civ 5 messenger of the gods